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Gluten-free diets not made for weight loss. Any weight loss as a result of the diet probably came from the fact that you are now consuming less calories in order to avoid gluten in a certain food. To lose weight on the diet, stick to healthy foods.

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Q: What are some tips to losing weight on a gluten-free diet?
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The B'n'B diet is in fact dangerous, because the average weight loss over 3.33 months is 11.3 lbs!!! Losing this much weight can be DANGEROUS for people who aren't already heavy enough. This diet is extremely dangerous to children. If you're around 500 lbs and want to lose some weight, this diet is fine.

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The main diet I have heard most people say they have success with is called the Atkins diet. It's basically a diet with no carbohydrates.

Can you name some of the worst diets for losing weight fast?

This is simple. Any diet that claims you will lose weight quickly is considered the worse. You should only lose 1-2 pounds a week on a healthy diet plan with exercise.