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Fast diets can be effective when losing weight. Some people rather get the weight off soon as possible. However losing weight fast maybe hard to maintain keeping the weight off. This is your ultimate goal.

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Menan Saulog

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3y ago

diet is good and profers food eating habits

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Q: Are fast diets effective to losing weight?
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What are the suggestions for losing weight fast?

I would try one of the fad diets that should only last for a week. You will drop weight fast, but you will not keep it off.

What is a fast and effective weight loss plan?

You dont want to lose too much weight at once, as it is not healthy. Losing one to two pounds a week is the safest. Fad diets are usually not very safe, so speak with your doctor about the best way to lose weight safely. Eat well and exercise also!

Which types of diets are the healthiest?

Any diet that guarantees you will lose weight suspiciously fast is probably not a good diet to choose. While losing weight as fast as possible is tempting, it's not as healthy and it also makes you more likely to gain back the weight.

Is the Slim Fast diet effective?

The slim fast diet is one of the many diets out there that try to help you lose weight. If you want more information on this, visit:

What are some of the top diets?

Of the many diets out there, there are certainly some that are more popular and effective than others. Of the most popular are slim fast, Atkins and weight watchers. All have proven to be extremely effective and with a lot of support whether it be in person or on line.

Why Losing Weight Fast May Not Be the Best Choice?

There are many fad diets to lose weight fast. Rapid weight loss gives the dieter incentive to continue, but eventually the weight loss slows down because the body learns to adapt to fewer calories. After the initial weight loss, the dieter drops the diet out of frustration and gains the weight back. Fast weight loss can be done, but it does not fix the underlying problem. When combined with learning how to reduce calories properly, pick the proper foods, and become more active, fast weight loss can be an effective way to lose weight and learn how to maintain it.

Are there any safe and effective diets to lose weight fast available online?

Losing 5 pounds is actually really easy to do. The best thing for your wife to try is to change her diet and cut out fats and sugars. She should also get plenty of exercise and water.

What is a quick weight loss diet plan that works? is a website you could try out. It features some things about losing weight fast. Another online source is . This site features different diets you could choose from.

Be Careful with Rapid Weight Loss Diets?

Rapid weight loss diets can do your body a lot of good but you need to be careful about losing weight too fast. If you're not getting enough protein and calcium, you may be losing muscle, bone and organ weight, which is actually heavier than fat. You need to be careful that you're losing bad weight, not good weight, and know that the way you look and your measurements are just as big a sign of your success, if not more so, than what the scale says. Fat is relatively light and muscle builds just as quickly as fat burns.

Where can I find information on lawsuits against the "lose weight fast!" diets?

A lot of the lose weight fast diets are scams. To lose weight you will need to change the foods you eat, and get lots of water and exercise.

Diets for losing weight fast?

I suggest you look into Weight Watchers and the Biggest Loser diets. They both teach how to determine your daily calorie intake and what the best foods to eat to attain that are as well as how to use portion control. They also both highly encourage exercise to burn the calories. They are both diets that encourage life style changes so you lose the weight you need to lose and keep it off.

Where can one find info about diets?

The most effective diets are definitely not fast. Even if you manage to lose weight very fast, your body naturally holds onto the pounds as it thinks you're starving. Remember to monitor your calorie intake, and daily exercising is the best way to go.