While there are many different views on what the best methods are for dieting and losing weight, all studies agree that the most important thing one can do to lose weight is to exercise daily. Fifteen minutes of daily exercise can burn calories and fat that the body would otherwise store as fat.
Weight Loss Confidential: How Teens Lose Weight and Keep It Off is a great book for teen weight loss. The book can easily be found for an affordable price on amazon.
You have to have a round face. Or try some blush.
Kenny should definitely lose some weight...
There is not a set weight because it is all based on a matter of opinion. Some people have a lot of muscle and weigh a lot, but they don't look chubby. While others do not have not as much muscle, they appear "chubby". All in all this is a question with no real answer.
yes, some weight loss camps for teens do also accept younger children. it really depends on the camp and whether or not they will want to take in younger teens.
Body shapes are genetic, so you will notice people lose fat differently, a good way to estimate where you would lose weight is to look at your family and where they lose weight from. Generally speaking though, your body will burn fat where it is not needed first - such as breasts. I would expect around the waist would be a slowish place to lose weight as fat helps keep your organs warm. On a personal note I seem to lose weight almost everywhere faster than on my arms - i have chubby arms!
Some good types of foods to lose weight are foods that do not have a lot of salt and fat in them, or fruit and vegetables are probably the best foods for you while trying to lose weight.
if one wants to lose weight quickest way to lose weight, which for some may be starvation.
lose some weight...
It depends on what your diet consists of and how much you exercise. If you are in your teens, it's probably best not to do this technique since your body won't be able to metabolize by dieting or over exercising. Note that when you lose weight, some parts of your body start to feel flabby a little. It's completely normal and natural since the skin hangs around in some people
I guess u should lose some weight. Sorry. I guess u should lose some weight. Sorry.