Many people get Botox injections to get chubby cheeks without putting on body weight. This seems to be a trend in Hollywood and many feel it makes you look younger.
You can get chubby cheeks by including weight gaining foods in your everyday diet... In my opinion, there aren't any facial exercise to get dimples... Hope that this information is useful... Take care
eat donuts.
Gain weight.
dont get that fat in t he first place n the only way is to go into surgery chubby cheeks(((((((((((((((((((((((((((()
No that is impossible. You cannot gain muscle mass without ever gaining weight.
By controlling your diet.
no,you cannot
ur a woman.
I have a high cheek bone and that's great but at the same time i have a chubby face, makes my face looks really round. If i lose weight, will my face get smaller too? what are some ways I can do to get ridof face fat? Jsut do face exercizes...the one i use is smiling as big as you can then frowning as much as you can and doing that for about 10-15 minutes a worked for me *Hi don't frown because this creates lines and wrinkles on your forehead, smiling is a lot better for you to do