Tell him how much you like him but don't keep on saying it for every 5 seconds, that might be annoying. Call him names like sweetie, babycakes. Pamper him. Make him know that you love him.
that's just how things are...some things are sweet, some are bitter
you can do make overs and if you have a nice brother or dad you can put makeup on them to....
First there is no way but tell him you don't want to talk to me well its fine but this is the last time you'll be able to speak now or forever hold your piece you don't want to talk flatline we're done seeya.
boyfriend freewell if your only grounded from your boyfriend catch up with some friends ! go to the movies have a relaxing bath do all the things you normally wouldn't have time to do !!
There are taste buds on your tongue that differentiate between sweet and sour or bitter.
It depends. Not all guys are the same. Some are honest, and mean it when they say sweet things. Others are, unfortunately, dishonest and may not mean what they say, at least not all of the time.
if she is sweet and nice and she meets a guy that likes her than yes she will. I could say some mean things about your sister, but if she wants a boyfriend and hasn't already, (depending on how old she is) either her standards are too high, or she's mean to guys. In that case, tell her to change.
You have to act really weird and act dumb for them to notice you. That's how I got my boyfriend!
Do sweet things for him. Show him how much he means to you. Kiss him more often and try to hangout with him just you and him. Some one on one time.
{| |- | Take some of yours sweet memorable photographs and customize them each with your feelings. I could do that for my GF using Try it out - you may really enjoy it! |}
Yes, but they do have some fights
It brightens the room