Some of the personal costs of an alcohol related crash may include prison time. There are attorney fees, possible loss of your license, and the guilt caused by injuring or killing someone.
Alcohol is a factor in what percentage of all crash cost in the state of Florida?
"Alcohol-related crashes in the United States cost the public an estimated $114.3 billion in 2000, including $51.1 billion in monetary costs and an estimated $63.2 billion in quality of life losses. People other than the drinking driver paid $71.6 billion of the alcohol-related crash bill."
It really depends on what damage was caused. An alcohol related accident may not have any cost or it could be in the millions of dollars.
Alcohol related crashes cost society approximately 114 billion dollars annually.
In 2019, there were 94 infants under the age of 1 killed in alcohol-related crashes in the United States.
It depend on who you ask and what is meant by cost.
185 billion
A.12.6 billion