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A.12.6 billion

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Q: How much did alcohol related crashes cost Florida in 2000?
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Alcohol related crashes cost the public?


How many alcohol related crashes were in the year 2000?


How much did the average alcohol related fatality cost in Florida in 2000?

3.3 million

Alcohol related crashes cost the public 10 million?

"Alcohol-related crashes in the United States cost the public an estimated $114.3 billion in 2000, including $51.1 billion in monetary costs and an estimated $63.2 billion in quality of life losses. People other than the drinking driver paid $71.6 billion of the alcohol-related crash bill."

In Florida in 2000 approximately people died everyday in motor vehicle crashes?

eight people approximately died in FL in 2000

How many people were killed in 2000 in accidents involving alcohol?

In 2000 how many people where killed due to alcohol related accidents?

How many teens died in 2000 caused by car crashes?

45,077 deaths, See Related Links, below.

How many people were killed in accidents involving alcohol in?

16,653 people were killed in alcohol-related accidents in 2000.

In Florida how many Motor vehicle crash fatalities per day in 2016?

around 9

How many fatal motor vehicle crashes were reported by the NHTSA in 2000?

37,526 in 2000.

Approximately how many college students nationwide between the ages of 18-25 die each year from alcohol poisoning or an alcohol-related injury?

Approximately 2000 college students nationwide between the ages of 18-25 die each year from alcohol poisoning. Just as many have alcohol related injuries.

What is the population of Florida as of the Census 2000?

According to, the Census 2000 population of Florida was 15,982,378.