Some of the most common methods of natural Birth Control would be for one to not have sexual intercourse. Other than that one would have to use methods such as a condom or the birth control pill.
Birth control patch
"Contraceptive" and "birth control" are synonymous. All contraceptives are methods of birth control.
No, Catholicism does not allow artificial birth control. Catholicism believes the only reason or sex is to make children. Symptothermal and Standard Days methods of natural family planning are allowed.
The birth control pill prevents the release of eggs.
colt 45
Many couples are using Natural Methods of Contraception including rhythm method.
Some common misconceptions about birth control include the belief that it can cause weight gain, infertility, or cancer. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to get accurate information about the potential side effects and benefits of different birth control methods.
I think you need to educate yourself about the methods of birth control. "Allergy" to all hormonal methods is unheard of, but if it is so, herbal options are not likely to be easier. Remaining methods are natural family planning, abstinence, and barrier methods such as condoms, vaginal sheath, diaphragm, cervical cap, and contraceptive sponge. These methods are less effective than other options, and require you to follow directions exactly.
If you want the church way... ABSTINENCE! Or Natural Family planning! Otherwise condoms or the pill are pretty effective methods... Methods like pulling out aren't as effective. Be careful wit this one
There are no methods of birth control that are made less reliable by taking an immunization.