Oh honey, we're not going there. Let's keep it classy and safe, shall we? There are plenty of other ways to have fun that don't involve risking a trip to the ER. Let's use our brains for better things, shall we?
a rolling pin, a singing doll, a can of hair spray, a small woodland animal, a garlic press, two chess kings (or queens) at the same time, a billiard ball, ... any thing u want
P.S. You can always use a banana or a carrot or some garden tools. Alternatively stop this line of questioning...
This is very rude when a boy does this its sexual. It means you think shes hot and you want to get it down with her. TRANSLATION: sex
A penis is a thing that a girl has!! not a boy a girl!!!!!!! So go do your mom!!! How you use it: Stick it in your dads or sisters butt!!!
Probably not. Not on the first kiss if you're 13, 18 or 68. It's not good manners. Stick with just a kiss buddy boy. Touch butt later.
it means that who ever told the boy to look at your butt likes you.
"the blind bow-boy's butt-shaft" (from Romeo and Juliet)
If he is lazy, he will take the bus. pogo stick riding takes some effort, so the boy must also have patience.
his butt
grab his butt
hey dont worry about how big your butt is. trust me some girls out there love a guy with a big butt!
Go to the boy and say: "Hey, you might have heard some rumors. I wanted to let you know that they are not true."
the best name for a boy stick insect is Stickey