Un-healthy eating can cause mood swings, bloating, lack of nutrients ot the body, naseua, indigestion, gas, and weight gain.
Short term effects of unhealthy eating can include fatigue, digestive issues, and mood swings. In the medium term, there can be weight gain, increased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, and weakened immune system. Long term effects may include serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. Other risks to health from unhealthy eating can include nutrient deficiencies, poor mental health, and decreased quality of life.
change in diet and taste likes and possibly pressure
heart disease, heart attack, death in some cases
Short Term Effects: search the same question on google Long term causes:search the same question on google
You die faster.
Amennorhea, the medical term for not having your period, can be brought on by unhealthy eating. Many women who are anorexic stop having periods for a while.
The 3 most common short term effects of the sun is sunburn, headache, and fatigue. The short term effects last from hours to several days.
Short term effects can be rashes, itchiness, dryness and sunburn.
the short term effects on an unbalanced diet has effect like
Increased energy and metabolism, greater efficiency at processing foods, and better body composition
Short term
No, it also has short-term effects.