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Q: What are people called that help slaves escape?
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Who did harriet help?

if you are talking about Harriet Tubman, she helped over 300 slaves escape on the Underground Railroad to Canada. She was called the "Moses" of her people because she helped so many slaves escape.

Why do people help slaves escape?

Because they don't like slavery.

Why did William Still help slaves escape?

Maybe he was a helper with others slaves like an abolisionist to help slaves escape.

What were the people who help slaves called?

People who helped slaves escape to freedom were called abolitionists. They worked to end slavery and support the rights and freedom of enslaved individuals.

What are the blacks called who lead slaves out of slavery?

The blacks and other people who led slaves out of slavery were known as abolitionists. Harriet Tubman, is the best known of the escaped slaves who returned to the south to help other slaves escape. She was a primary conductor of the Underground Railroad.

How did some brave people help slaves escape to freedom?

the under groundrail road :) welcomethey care about people

Why did Harriet Tubman and William still help the slaves escape?

Harriet Tubman continued to help enslaved Africans escape captivity, because she yearned for freedom and justice for her people.

To what religious group did most of the white people help the slaves escape be long?

toussaint L"ouveture

Why did some white people not want to help the slaves?

Some white people did not want to help the slaves because they were afraid of being persecuted, they agreed with slavery or they were disinterested by the idea of slavery and therefore felt no need to help slaves. However, the answer depends on what you mean by 'help the slaves'. Because it could denote fighting against slavery or helping slaves escape.

Under ground railroad?

to help slaves escape

How many slaves did William Still help escape?

William still helped upto 60 slaves escape to Canada a month

How many slaves did harriet Tubman help escape in 20 years?

7,000 slaves.