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Well, the benefits of high fiber diet consists of excreting all of the waste in the body. It also very good for lowering any cholesterol a person may have.

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Q: What are benefits of high fiber diets?
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Related questions

Where can I go to get information for diets that are high in fiber?

Good choice of picking a high fiber diet. There are two main sites that are used for information about these diets. They provide information about what fiber does and then a typical diet that would be beneficial. Here they are:

Is increasing fiber a good weight loss strategy?

There are high fiber diets out that there that do work. There is a site called fiber35 that gives you information on high fiber diets along with recipes and a list of food that are high in fiber. Consdier asking your doctor before you continue to start a high fiber diet.

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Where can I find information about high fiber diet on the Internet?

High fiber diets can have a number of health benefits, primarily being naturally lower in calories, helping you to lose weight. For more information, please see

Are there special diets for people with high cholesterol?

There are specific diets for high cholesterol patients. Generally speaking, and in the most simple form, high fiber diets have shown to reduce bad cholesterol. Decrease fatty food (especially with trans fats) and increase fiber.

What can High fiber diets can help decrease the risk of?

Diverticular disease

What are the major health benefits of a high fiber diet?

Major health benefits of a high fiber diet include a reduced risk for heart disease, improvement in blood sugar control, prevention and relief of constipation, and reduced risks of developing precancerous polyps in the intestines. High fiber diets may also be a key strategy for weight management because fiber delays stomach emptying, which, in turn, promotes a feeling of satiety, or fullness, and diminishes the appetite.

Are there any websites that could help me find high fiber recipes? offers plenty of high fiber recipes as well as other information for high fiber diets.

Where can I find a website with information about a high fiber diet?

You can find information about high fiber diets on the following ... Nutrition and healthy eating In-Depth or

What types of animals should be fed high fiber diets and why?

Herbivores should be fed high fiber diets, with relatively large volumes of roughage like hay. This is because herbivores have evolved to consistently eat plant material throughout the day; without the fiber in their diets, their digestive tracts become diseased and the animal can die.

Where can I find more information on high fiber diet?

You can research high fiber diets online or at your local library. You could also discuss a high fiber diet with you health care provider and should be for trying one.