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Combined Elements

#'s (1)

1UP = life + mushroom

A's (15)

Airplane = metal + bird

Albert Einstein* = scientist + energy

Alcohol = fire + water

Alcoholic = man + alcohol

Algae = life + water

Alien = star + life

Aluminium = airplane + metal

Ambulance* = hospital + car

Arable = earth + tool

Arms = metal + tool

Ash = fire + tree

Ashtray* = ash + glass

Assassin = man + poisoned weapons

Austrialia = kangaroo + country

Avian Flu* = flu + bird

B's (30)

Baby = man + sex

Bacon* = fire + pig

Bacteria = life + swamp

Bar* = brick house + beer

Barbecue = fire + meat

Bat = bird + vampire

Batman* = man + bat

Beach = water + sand

Bear = beast + forest

Beast = earth + lizard

Beaver = dam + beast

Bee = flower + beetle

Beer = alcohol + wheat

Beetle = earth + worm

Beetroot = sugar + seed

Belarus = tractor + country

Berry = grass + fruit

Bicycle = wheel + wheel

Bird = air + egg

Bitumen = kerogen + pressure

Blood = beast + hunter

Boat = water + wood

Boiler = metal + steam

Book = feather + paper

Borscht = beetroot + fire

Bow* = robin hood + arms

Bread= dough + fire

Brick= clay + fire

Brick House= brick + concrete

Butterfly= air + worm

C's (40)

Cactus= desert + tree

Camel* = desert + beast (thanks to theD)

Cancer = man + tobacco

Car = cart + combustion engine

Caramel* = sugar + fire

Carbon Dioxide = oxygen + man

Carmine = cochineal + fire

Cart = wheel + wood

Cat = mouse + hunter

CatDog* = cat + dog

Caviar = fish + fish

Cement = clay + limestone

Cemetery* = grave + grave

Ceramics = clay + man

Champagne = wine + soda water

Chariot = warrior + cart

Cheese = quark(cheese) + fire

Chicken = egg + life

China = dragon + country

Chocolate = cocoa + sugar

Christmas Tree = tree + lightbulb

Cigarettes = paper + tobacco

City = skyscraper + skyscraper

Clay = sand + swamp

Clock = hourglass + electricity

Cloth = tool + wool

Clothing = cloth + man

Cloud = air + steam

Coal = fire + tree

Coca-Cola = soda water + carmine

Cochineal = cactus + beetle

Cocoa = seed + mexico

Coffin = corpse + wood

Coin = silver + pressure

Combustion Engine = steam engine + gasoline

Concrete = cement + water

Continent = country + country

Corpse= fire + man

Country = city + city

Crop Circles* = ufo + arable (fixed from ufo + grain)

D's (12)

Dam = brick + water

Desert = sand + sand

Diamond = uncut diamond + tool

Diet = man + yogurt

Dilemma = chicken + egg

Dinosaur = earth + egg

Doctor = hospital + scientist

Dog = wolf + man

Dough = flour + water

Dr. Zoidberg* = doctor + lobster

Dragon = fire + flying dinosaur

Dust = air + earth

E's (11)

E-book* = microchip + book

Ectoplasm = ghost + energy

Egg = life + stone

Egypt = cat + country

Electric eel* = snake + electricity

Electric ray* = fish + electricity

Electricity = energy + metal

Elephant = whale + earth

Energy = air + fire

Ent = tree + life

Explosion* = gasoline + fire

F's (24)

Fabergé Egg = egg + diamond

Farmer = man + seed

Fat = man + pig

Feather = bird + hunter

Fern = moss + swamp

Finland = sauna + country

Fire Elemental = fire + life

Firearms = arms + gunpowder

Firefighter* = hero + fire

Firefly* = light + beetle

Fish = bacteria + plankton

Fisherman* = hunter + fish

Flour = stone + wheat

Flower = water + seed

Flu = air + bacteria

Fondue = cheese + fire

Forest = grove + grove

Fossil = dinosaur + earth

France = champagne + country

Frankenstein* = corpse + electricity

Fried Chicken = chicken + fire

Frog = lizard + swamp

Fruit = tree + farmer

Fugu* = fish + poison

G's (14)

Gasoline = petroleum + pressure

Genie* = lamp + ghost

Germany* = vw beetle + country

Geyser = steam + earth

Ghost = ash + life

Ghostbusters* = hunter + ghost

Glass = fire + sand

Gold = philosopher's stone + silver

Golem = clay + life

Grape = earth + wood

Grass = earth + moss

Grave = earth + corpse

Grove = tree + tree

Gunpowder = dust + fire

H's (10)

Hen Coop = chicken + hut

Hero = dragon + warrior

Honey = bee + tree

Hospital = brick house + sick

Hot Chocolate* = chocolate + fire

Hourglass = glass + sand

House M.D.* = man + vicodin

Hunter = arms + man

Hut = man + stone

Hydrogen = water + electricity

I's (7)

Ice = water + glass

Iceland* = volcano + country

Idea = man + light bulb

India = kama sutra + country

Iodine = algae + fire

Island = sea + volcano

Italy = venice + country

J's (3)

Japan* = sushi + country

Jedi = warrior + lightsaber

Juice* = berry + pressure

K's (5)

Kama Sutra = book + sex

Kangaroo = frog + 1UP

Kerogen = fossil + pressure

Kilt = scotland + clothing

Knife = meat + tool

L's (21)

Lamp = fire + glass

Lance Armstrong* = bicycle + cancer

Lava = earth + fire

Lava Golem = lava + life

Lava Lamp*= lava + lamp

Lawn Mower = scissors + combustion engine

Leech* = blood + worm

Library = book + book

Lichen* = mushroom + algae

Life = energy + swamp

Light = electricity + light bulb

Light bulb = electricity + glass

Lighthouse* = skyscraper + light

Lightning Rod = thunderstorm + metal

Lightsaber = arms + light

Lime = fire + limestone

Limestone = shells + stone

Livestock = beast + man

Lizard = snake + worm

Lobster = scorpion + water

Locomotive*= cart + steam engine

M's (27)

Man = beast + life

Manure = grass + livestock

Mario = 1UP + man

McDonald's = Coca-Cola + sandwich

Meat = beast + hunter

Mentos = coca-cola + geyser

Mermaid* = woman + fish

Metal = fire + stone

Metal Golem = life + metal

Mexico = tequila + country

Microchip = transistor + transistor

Milk = livestock + man

Mirror = aluminium + glass

Mite* = life + dust

Mold = mushroom + mud

Molotov Cocktail* = fire + alcohol

Money = coin + paper

Moon = cheese + sky (fixed from star + mirror)

Moss = swamp + algae

Motorboat* = boat + combustion engine

Motorcycle* = bicycle + combustion engine

Mouse = cheese + beast

Mud = dust + water

Mummy = paper + zombie

Museum = brick house + fossil

Mushroom = earth + algae

Music* = sound + idea

O's (6)

Obesity= man + mcdonald's

Old Man = man + time

Omelette* = egg + fire

Oxygen = water + electricity

Oxyhydrogen = oxygen + hydrogen

Ozone = oxygen + electricity

P's (25)

Panda = tree + beast

Paper = reed + tool

Pearl* = sand + shells

Peat = swamp + tree

Penguin* = bird + ice

Penicillin = mold + scientist

Perfume = alcohol + flower

Petri Dish* = glass + bacteria

Petroleum = bitumen + pressure

Philosopher's Stone = philosophy + stone

Philosophy = dilemma + scientist

Phoenix* = bird + fire

Pig = livestock + mud

Piggy Bank* = ceramics + coin

Pillow* = feather + cloth

Pinocchio* = wood + life

Pizza = cheese + dough

Planet* = continent + continent

Plankton = bacteria + water

Plesiosauria = dinosaur + water

Poison = mushroom + tool

Poisoned Weapons = arms + poison

Pressure = earth + earth

Prisoner* = assassin + time

Pterodactyl = dinosaur + air

Q's (2)

Quark = soured milk + fire

Quetzalcoatl = snake + bird

R's (9)

R2-D2* = star wars + robot

Rainbow* = light + storm

Reed = grass + swamp

Robin Hood = forest + hero

Robot = metal golem + electicity

Romania* = transylvania + country

Ruby* = aluminium + oxygen

Russia* = vodka + country

Rust*= water + metal

S's (61)

Sailboat = boat + cloth

Sailing ship = cloth + wooden ship

Sailor* = boat + man

Salamander* = fire + lizard

Salo = man + pig

Salt* = sea + fire

Saltpeter = limestone + manure

Sand = stone + water

Sandstorm* = storm + sand

Sandwich = meat + bread

Santa Claus* = old man + Christmas tree

Saudi Arabia* = petroleum + country

Sauna = steam + hut

Scarab = beetle + manure

Scientist = library + man

Scissors = knife + knife

Scorpion = beetle + sand

Scotch whiskey = alcohol + peat

Scotland = scotch whisky + country

Sea = water + water

Seed = life + sand

Sex = man + man

Sex and the City* = sex + city

Shells = plankton + stone

Sick = man + flu

Silicon = pressured + sand

Silk = china + cloth

Silver = moon + metal

Sith = jedi + assassin

Sky = air + cloud

Skyscraper = brick house + glass

Smoke = fire + tobacco

Snail* = shells + worm

Snake = swamp + worm

Sniper* = assassin + firearms

Soap* = ash + fat

Soda water = carbon dioxide + water

Soldier = firearms + man

Sound = metal + wind

Soured milk = milk + yogurt

Spinning wheel = wheel + wool

Stake = wood + knife

Star = sun + scientist

Star Wars = sith + jedi

Statue = stone + tool

Statue of Liberty = USA + statue

Steam = air + water

Steam-engine = boiler + coal

Steamer* = steam-engine + wooden ship

Stone = air + lava

Storm = air + energy

Sugar = lime + reed

Sulfur = bacteria + swamp

Sun = sky + chariot

Sunflower* = sun + flower

Sushi = fish + algae

Swamp = earth + water

Sweater* = yarn + tool

Swine flu = pig + flu

Swiss Army Knife = knife + tool

Switzerland = country + fondue

T's (18)

Team* = beast + cart

Tequila = alcohol + worm

The Beatles = beetle + beetle

Thunderbird* = bird + storm

Thunderstorm = storm + electricity

Time = life + hourglass

Toast* = fire + bread

Tobacco = fire + grass

Tool = man + metal

Totoro = forest + ghost

Tractor = lawn mower + arable

Transformers* = car + life

Transistor = silicon + electricity

Transylvania = vampire + country

Tree = earth + seed

Turtle = egg + sand

Twilight saga* = vampire + werewolf

Typhoon* = storm + water

U's (6)

UFO = alien + airplane

Ukraine* = salo + country

Uncut diamond = coal + pressure

Undead* = zombie + corpse

United Kingdom* = the beatles + country

USA = coca-cola + country

V's (8)

Vampire= blood + man

Venice = city + water

Vicodin = sick + doctor

Vinegar* = alcohol + oxygen

Vodka = alcohol + water

Volcano = lava + pressure

Vulture* = corpse + bird

VW beetle = car + beetle

W's (15)

Warrior = arms + hunter

Weevil* = flour + beetle

Werewolf = beast + vampire

Whale = beast + water

Wheat = arable + seed

Wheel = tool + wood

Whey = soured milk + fire

Wind = air + air

Wine = grape + alcohol

Wolf = moon + beast

Woman = baby + time

Wood = tool + tree

Wooden ship = boat + wood

Wool = beast + hunter

Worm = earth + plankton

Y's (4)

Yarn = spinning wheel + wool

Yoda = jedi + swamp

Yogurt = bacteria + milk

Yoshi = 1up + egg

Z's (2)

Zombie = fossil + life

Zoo* = beast + museum

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Q: What are all 380 combinations in the alchemy iPod app?
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What is 25 percent of 380?

All you need to do is: 380*2= 165 165*2= 82.5

What are all of the combinations of 10?

its 4 possible combinations HA HA HA buy

What number combinations can be made with the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7?

There is 1 combinations with 7 numbers in them,7 combinations with 1 or 6 numbers in them,21 combinations with 2 or 5 numbers in them,35 combinations with 3 or 4 numbers in them.Notionally, there is also one combination with no numbers in it.In all then, there are 128 ( = 27) combinations.There is 1 combinations with 7 numbers in them,7 combinations with 1 or 6 numbers in them,21 combinations with 2 or 5 numbers in them,35 combinations with 3 or 4 numbers in them.Notionally, there is also one combination with no numbers in it.In all then, there are 128 ( = 27) combinations.There is 1 combinations with 7 numbers in them,7 combinations with 1 or 6 numbers in them,21 combinations with 2 or 5 numbers in them,35 combinations with 3 or 4 numbers in them.Notionally, there is also one combination with no numbers in it.In all then, there are 128 ( = 27) combinations.There is 1 combinations with 7 numbers in them,7 combinations with 1 or 6 numbers in them,21 combinations with 2 or 5 numbers in them,35 combinations with 3 or 4 numbers in them.Notionally, there is also one combination with no numbers in it.In all then, there are 128 ( = 27) combinations.

What is the sum of all odd numbers from 1 to 380?


What are all of the combinations to all of the hooda math grow games?


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What are all the combinations for zeds alchemy?

I only have 82 but just a tip for all of you if you have an iPod touch then right the answers down if you are going to answer this question because the iPod doesn't tell you.

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What are all of the combinations to alchemy on Google Chrome not android?


What are all combinations in the Alchemy classic netbook app?

65g74649 daa

What are all 238 combinations for alchemy classic?

How knows how to do: PANDA WIRE ANVIL

How do you make cart on alchemy classic?

combine wood + wheel ! Check out the related link for a complete guide to all the combinations of this game.

How do you make gum on alchemy?

well i got stuck aswell and then i tried all of the combinations and found that you have to put juice and fruit. I hope i helped, i did my best

How do you get combination when you forgot it?

If you are talking about the passcode on an iPod, you will need to plug it into your computer and reset your iPod from your iTunes account (All settings and information will be erased, but the passcode will be gone). If you are talking about combinations regarding a safe or lock, you will need to call a locksmith!

Was rome the seat of all alchemy?

No. Alchemy was done in Alexandria Egypt.

How do you delete all the icons on alchemy?

You can delete all the icons on alchemy by simply downloading "Automatic Creative Alchemy X-Fi Edition 1.10.01 Uninstall Tool" and use it.

What do alchemy spirituality occult and cosmology all have in common?

Alchemy, spirituality, occult, and cosmology all use the symbol "All-Seeing Eye."

What is 25 percent of 380?

All you need to do is: 380*2= 165 165*2= 82.5