Some 4 letter Christmas words are:treegiftbellwishloveshopsnowsale
A Christmas word that begins with the letter A is angel. Other Christmas words that start with an a are angelic, antlers, and advent.
· wreath · write a letter to Santa
bows bells Bethlehem
Some 4 letter Christmas words are:treegiftbellwishloveshopsnowsale
Oh, dude, let's see. So, from "Merry Christmas," you can make words like "mice," "mars," "star," and "mire." There are probably more, but who has time to sit here and list them all out? Just trust me, there are a bunch.
Four Letter Words in Christmascats castcisthatshissmassmastmatsmissmistrichstarstirtrim
There are 4, or possibly 5 English words: chrisms mastics miscast racists (racisms)
zipper, because you can use it for Christmas
Noel is a Christmas word. Other Christmas words include North Pole, nativity scene and the Christmas song "Nuttin' For Christmas".
Xmas is a Christmas word. It frequently is used as a word for Christmas.
Antler Angel
elf, god