Vav. It's the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
· Vixen (one of Santa's reindeer)
Some Christmas words that begin with A-Z are: A B C celebrate Christmas tree Christmas song Christmas play D decorate decorations dressing E elf elves F G gift H happy I J jolly K L M Merry Christmas N O P present Q R S Santa stiffing stocking T turkey U V W X Y Z
You are probably going for the word vague.
· Vixen (one of Santa's reindeer)
Three letter words that start with V are:vanvatvetvievim
Words that start with the letter V are, valley, violin, violet and violence. Virus, viola, vengeance and vast all start with V.
No original Arabian words start with the letter v , as this letter has no corresponding in Arabic.
Vows are romantic words. The word begins with the letter v.
I don't believe that there is a v in the Japanese language.... ._.
vikings vicious
Victoria Victorian