In my school, and many other schools that i know in primary school many girls start getting boyfriends, although i find it ridiculous at such a young age. When i started high school, in yr 7, many people had bfs then too. I still find that 12 and 13 is young, so i would personally recommend the age of 14+. Although you can have a boyfriend at any age. The average age is approximately 12.
That question is really up to your parents. Say, " What age do you think I will be until I get a boyfriend?"
The youngest age that I think is for a conpanion is 12. If your that age, than go get yourself a boyfriend!
You can be any age to be a boyfriend, the older you get, the more you will start to realise that relationships become more serious with age.
It's not weird. There isn't a specific age that you are supposed to have a boyfriend. Everyone is different.
Mostly a girl gets a boyfriend at the age 13 or 15
You don'nt
sure how about me
It's fine to not have a boyfriend at any age, don't worry, you're still young.
There's no age for getting a boyfriend or girlfriend because it is Love, just be sure that you are ready and you are able to handle your relationship.
There isn't really an age that it's best to have a boyfriend just make sure you are mature and emotionally ready to have a boyfriend and that your comfortable with any situation that might come your way.
her first boyfriend was at 15 same with her first kiss