I found this video with no dislikes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JctvnpmMhXk&feature=related
The most disliked video currently on YouTube is called "Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris", uploaded by: JustinBieberVEVO on February 19, 2010. This video has almost 5 million dislikes and only 3 million likes. This video is so disliked, it beats out the second most disliked video on YouTube by over 3 million dislikes.
(I only know)She dislikes Chris Crocker(The boy who did the famous Youtube video ''Leave Britney Alone!'')
Nope, only the likes are showed and posted onto your feed page and the video uploader won't be able to see who disliked their video. Although, your dislike will be visible from the video statistics totals section along with all the other likes and dislikes for the video.
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As of August 16, 2010, it is "Damien Walters 2010," which is a collection of training stints by this Parkour artist. It has 5,148,147 views, 32,761 "Likes" and 230 "Dislikes."(To watch this video, click on the Related link below.)
"Baby" by Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris which has 585,651,964 views as of July 14, 2011. The video was uploaded on February 19, 2010 and has 785,637 likes and 1,572,468 dislikes.
You would have to download the YouTube video. Unless the video is under a Creative Commons license, downloading a YouTube video is against the YouTube Terms of Service.
Hi its very simple to be honest. All these people make a video of them saying three dislikes ans three likes. Its a reminder that nobody is perfect and we all have flaws.
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if u want get "watch in high quality" for your video on youtube, Click "other to youtube" to Convert the video wih E.M. Youtube video download tool. then upload it to youtube http://www.effectmatrix.com/Youtube_video_download_tool/index.htm