Usually a 18g needle is used if you're putting in the corkscrew jewelery as the initial jewelery, but if you're putting in the hoop then you have the choice of a 16g or 14g being standard. Some people have huge nostril piercings, and some have really tiny ones, done at an 18g.
16g is the most used you can also use 14g
It is normal for a lobe piercing to be 16 or 18 gauge... but it is normally 18. A 16 gauge is normally used for tragus piercings :)
Barbells are used where a piercing is desired using a straight piece of jewellery. The gauge "18" is the AWG size of the jewellery. (American Wire Gauge)
Generally a 14 gauge barbell, this may differ depending on preference.
It means 18g or 1.0mm Nostril Screw used in nose piercing.
yes of course you can use aloe vera on nose piercing. it gives you a cooling effect and cures it soon. i had a nose piercing bumb erlier. i used aloe vera on it every day and night and now its gone.
When talking of body jewelry and piercing, gauge refers to the size of the body jewelry being used. To be specific, gauge size determines the thickness or the width of the jewelry. That portion of the body jewelry, which actually goes inside your skin, is measured in gauge size. For instance, if you were using a barbell for a piercing, then the gauge size would not be the measure of the two balls at the ends of the barbell, but would indicate the thickness of the bar in between the two balls. As the number of the gauge size goes higher, the thickness of the jewelry becomes lesser. Hence, a barbell of gauge size 12 would be thinner than one that was a gauge size 10. 16 gauge size jewelry is considered to be ideal for new piercings. The thicker your jewelry gets, the lower the gauge size will become. Gauge size �0� and �00� are the thickest (00 being thicker than 0). Once some piece of body jewelry exceeds this thickness, it is no longer measured in gauge size but in fractions and full inches. Gauge is particularly important for ear stretching body jewellery. Smaller gauges go up in parts of milimetres (e.g. 1.6mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm, 3.2mm) and then go up in whole mm's from 4.0mm to 8.0mm. There is then usually a jump to 10mm, then 12, 14, 16, 19 and so on. Expanders are used to increase the gauge of a stretched piercing gradually. PTFE tape can also be used to increase the size of a piece of jewellery gradually. Article about body jewellery size can be found here Info on gauge and measuring tools for gauge can be found here
It's not recommended to pierce your tongue yourself as it can lead to complications like excessive bleeding, infection, or nerve damage. It's best to go to a professional piercer who will have the proper tools and expertise to safely perform the piercing. Typically, a 14 gauge needle is used to pierce the tongue for a standard tongue piercing.
Mine was done with a 16g needle (:
For piercing, 18 gauge. that's the same gauge as a standard earring. There is also a 20 gauge which is a little smaller than an 18 gauge and rarely used for body piercing. There are smaller guage needles for medical use. 25 gauge is the smallest typically used in outpatient health care settings.
Alcohol should not be used on any piercing. Soaking your piercing in sea salt is best. you can also use non scented antibacterial soap to clean your piercing
Medical uses, scientific uses, piercing uses.