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Generally a 14 gauge barbell, this may differ depending on preference.

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Q: What size of bar is used for tongue piercing?
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How long is a long tongue bar?

Each barbell is scaled to the size of the tongue to be pierced therefore there is no "actual size" barbell for tongues, this is why you need to have the piercing done by a professional body piercer who will scale and measure the tongue and place the correctly sized barbell into the piercing.

Do you get to pick a bar or is it a certain one?

Depends on the piercing. For tongues, it's usually a metal bar of a small-medium size, though it also depends on the size of your tongue.

How do you get the belly bar out of the tongue piercing?

you pull it out hard

Could you put a belly bar into a tongue piercing hole?

No a navel banana bell is not designed nor intended to be used in a tongue piercing. Tongue piercings are done with a straight barbell, the curve in the navel bell will cause trouble with the tongue piercing as well as being too short.

What is the tongue piercing price in HTC in Phoenix Az?

The cost of getting a tongue piercing at HTC in Phoenix Az. is different. It all depends on what kind of piercing bar you are wanting.

What size tongue bar do you use to pierce?

The standard size for a tongue piercing is usually 14 gauge. However, the exact size of the tongue bar used may vary depending on the individual's anatomy and the piercer's preference. It's important to consult with a professional piercer who can assess and recommend the appropriate size for you.

What does a toungue piercing mean?

tongue piercing, its a pretty self explanatory thing but. a tongue piercing is when you go to professional who is certified to do oral piercings legally. Your tongue will have a looped clamp put on it to hold your tongue in place, and a piercing needle will be put through your tongue near the middle and a small tongue bar will be inserted closely following the needle.

Is it normal to have a dint in the tongue under the ball of the bar in a tongue piercing?

yes it is a divet from the ball resting

How to find out the size of a tongue ring bar?

The barbell used is scaled to the tongue being pierced to ensure there is room for swelling and discharge. The professional body piercer will ensure that the right size bar is used and every tongue is different, there is no specific size (only a ball park guess nothing more). To find out how long your current jewellery is would involve you removing the barbell and measuring it with a ruler to know what size is in the piercing right now. If you do this be sure to use care in handling the jewellery and ensure the piercing is not contaminated by inserting dirty jewellery into the piercing.

What size tongue bar is used when you first get it done?

Typically, when you first get your tongue pierced, a longer tongue barbell, such as 16mm or 18mm, is used to allow for swelling. After the swelling subsides, you can switch to a shorter barbell of around 12mm. It is important to consult with your piercer for the most appropriate size for your individual anatomy.

Can you use nipple bars as tongue bars?

Yes, as long as the gauge is correct for the tongue piercing - for example : nipple bar is 14 gauge - usual tongue piercing jewellery is 14 gauge and the length of the nipple bar is the correct length for the wearers tongue (this varies from person to person). Basically - if it fits - wear it!

What is a UV reactive tongue piercing?

A uv reactive tongue piercing is a bar or ring that reacts to special uv light, uv lights are usually found at party's disco's and nightclubs so you could stick your tongue out and have it glow ! A uv reactive tongue piercing is a bar or ring that reacts to special uv light, uv lights are usually found at party's disco's and nightclubs so you could stick your tongue out and have it glow !