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Red Ryder Carbine model 94 was made between 1955-1962 by Daisy

the model number 94 comes from September 17, 1956 "Uncle Charlie" Bennett passed away at the age of 94. hence the model 94 and to answer a few more vague answers yes it was made between 1955-1962 but when is the question ok if it is stamped Plymouth Michigan on the top of the barrel is is Pre 1958 if it is Stamped

Rogers, Arkansas its 1959-1962 they moved the factory in 1958 so not exact but I think it is a bit more clear

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The model 94 Carbine. It's not a Red Ryder model, it just a "94 Carbine" was made between 1955-62. Yes it can have quite a bit of value, but you have not given me any description as to the current condition of the rifle. Please give it some sort of rating like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent so I can get some idea of the estimated value range and answer your question.

How much is a Daisy Model 94 Red ryder Carbine rifle?

How much is it What? How much is it worth? If you want an estimate the state the current condition of the rifle. Something like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or excellent. Also is it still working? You need to give more details if you want an answer. Red Ryder Carbine model 94 was made between 1955-1962 by Daisy

How old is a model 94 daisy red ryder carbine register no c138095?

The model 94 carbine was made between 1955-1962. Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your old Daisy. See the link below.

How old is daisy model 94 red ryder carbine c143196?

Model 94 Carbine. 850 shot Plastic stock and forearm. Gold paint long horn & logo on left side., Dummy hammer on stock. If this is your rifle it was made between 1955-62

What is the Value of a 1959 Red Ryder BB Gun by Daisy?

Are you asking about the Red Ryder 94 Carbine? If so it was Mfg 1955-1962. Value as follows: 80%=$60, 90%-$100, 95%=$150, 100%=$250 --------------------------- I think this Red Ryder gun is older. Did they make one before 1955? ----------------------------- New to this. This was my fathers gun ( I am 63yrs). It is a Red Ryder Daisy carbome #111. ----------------------------- The model 111 was made between 1963-78. Yes Daisy did make several models that looked like the Red Ryder before 1955. The model B was made between 1910-23. The model 27 was made between 1927-32. There were several others that eventually became the Red Ryder. But I need more info to identify it.

How old is a model 94 Daisy Red Ryder carbine register no A086492?

They were made between 1959 - 1962. If you would like more information, contact Daisy at the link below.