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Q: What Does a spider web tattoo on the head symbolize?
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What does a spider web tattoo on the elbow symbolize?

A spider web on the elbow can, in some circles, be a gang affiliated tattoo, with rungs of the spider web correlating to kills the person has committed.

What does a spider web tattoo by the eye symbolize?

gang related mostly in east LA

What does spider web tattoo with 2 lightning bolts symbolize?

2 lightning botls means the SS, which were adolf hitler's soliders. a spider web could be the symbol of a gang.

What does a spiderweb and rose tattoo symbolize?

Not sure about a spider Web and rose . But a spider Web and black Rose means someone close has passed away and the Web represents the hard life they caught in and couldn't get out of .

What kind of tattoo to get on a person's back if they already have a tattoo of a spider and a web?

A spider

What does the spider lily symbolize?

The spider web tattoo is for those who have served time in jail. It is meant to show how time passes behind bars. A spider in the web is for having killed someone, one spider for each kill.the spider web tattoo symbolizes a constant struggle and no matter what you do or how hard you try you will end up tangled

How do you get a spider web tattoo on the chest?

Any reputable tattoo artist would be capable of completing a spider web tattoo. Depending on the size, it could take several sessions to complete.

What is Meaning behind a spider web tattoo on shoulder?

A spider web tattoo can have different meanings to different people. Some examples of a spider web tattoo are, doing time in prison or being a gang member.

What does a spider web tattoo on the forehead symbolize?

Spider Web Tattoo Usually each ring is another felony. Like i said on another question or two about spider web tattoos like the one i have,it is worn by 1%bikers to show their undying allegiance to their brothers!! Secondary purpose, less criminal, means someone is trapped or trapped life. Depending on your circumstances, this could range from being in the military (not like u can just quit) to being in a bad marriage, social status even, anything that applies really.

What is the meaning behind a spider web tattoo on your elbow?

This used to be a prison tattoo. Each loop of the web represents a year in prison.

What does a spider web tattoo look like?

Google image search is a good way to view pictures of spider web tattoos. Other popular sites includes checkoutmyink and hubpages. Local libraries will have book on images of spider webs to give you inspiration for a tattoo.

What does the star with a spider web on the outside on your elbow tattoo means?
