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2 lightning botls means the SS, which were adolf hitler's soliders. a spider web could be the symbol of a gang.

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Q: What does spider web tattoo with 2 lightning bolts symbolize?
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What does a lightning bolt tattoo on the neck symbolize?

A lightening bolt tattoo might be referring to power. Not sure if it being on the neck means much specifically. At the end of the day, tattoos symbolize what their wearers meant for them to symbolize. Might not be the same for everyone.

What is the meaning of two black parallel lightning bolts tattoo with the hells angels motorcycle club?

It is the Nazi "ss" symbol.

Where do lightning bolts occur?

lightning bolts occur in the clouds.

What does lighting bolt tattoo behind ear mean?

If it's a singular lightning bolt, then it probably means next to nothing. A lot of tattoos behind the ear are completely ornamental. However, if it is two lightning bolts side by side, then it very possibly might be an SS (Schustaffen) Bolt tattoo, and is a highly White Power tattoo.

What do the three lightning bolts on the you s army special forces shoulder patch signify?

they symbolize the three methods of infiltration; air, land, and sea

Was Zeus' main weapon thunderbolts are lightning bolts?

it was the lightning bolts

What are other meanings of double lightning bolts symbolize?

The "sig" rune (which looks like a lightning bolt, or a stylized letter S) symbolizes victory, which is one reason it was used in the insignia of the SS troops instead of a "normal" letter S. ("sig" sounds somewhat like "sieg" which is German for victor or victory.)

What did Zeus hurl at others?

Lightning bolts, from his hands. Not only was he the king of Gods in Greek religion, but he was also the God of Storms, providing him lightning as his weapon.

How much bolts does lightning have?

5,000 bolts

Why aren't lightning bolts straight?

Lightning bolts are not straight because they are looking for the path of least resistance Lightning bolts want to find the path of least resistance so they can make it to the ground faster. Lightning bolts are zig-zag because they are finding the easiest path to the ground.

How lightning bolts travel?


What weapons does Zeus have?

He has lightning bolts.