How age of girl 16 in 20 man of age sex?
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If you meant what if 20 years old man have sex with 16 years old girl?>> The answer would be the girl will be pregnant and after giving birth the man will be father.
Depends what state you are. Age of consent in the US also applies to same sex couples. If the age of consent is 16 or of there are close in age exemptions it is legal, otherwise not.
Not really, unless the girl has became pregnant.
The man is doing the penetrating? The term man implies over the age of 18. A male can have it as soon as he can have an erection. At what age should he have it? That is always the question. He is not ready for it before the age of 18 to 20. He will probably get it between the age of 14 and 16.
Mess with younger girls....have sex with girls? If you are both under sixteen and within 2 years in age...there are no legal issues. Over 16...go to jail.
depending on what country you live in, you can have full intercourse (sex), in the uk 16 is the legal age.
Yes if they have sex with a boy.
you must be over the age of 16 to legally have sex.
Sex is legal in this case since the age of consent in Ohio is 16.
It usually happens to girls from the age of 10-16. Girls usually grow small breasts and pubic hair before their period begins. After that, they can get pregnant when having sex.
The lowest age you can legally have sex is 16, then, you can only have sex with people up to 3 years older then you. At the age of 18 you can legally have sex with anyone.
depending on the legal sex age and wether the 16 year old girl gives consent then yes this is perfectly legal.