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Q: Having 17 age with 16 age sex?
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You are 16 and your boyfriend is 20 you live in New Mexico you are wondering if it is legal?

If you are referring to having sex with one another - NO - it is NOT legal. The age of consent in your state is 17 years of age. You are not "legally capable" of giving consent to sexual relations until 17. If you are having sex together he could be hcarged with Statutory Rape.

In Alabama can a 20year old girl get in trouble legally for having a baby by a 17 year old boy?

No. The sex was legal since age of consent is 16 there.

If the age of consent in New Jersey is 16 and two New Jersey residents age 16 and 19 have sex in New York where the age of consent is 17 is it illegal?

It's a federal crime to take a minor across state lines to have sex with them although presumably since it was legal in their original state they did not go to New York for the purpose of having sex and just wanted to have it while there.

If you are 17 and with parent consent have dated a man that was 21 would it still be illegal in Michigan?

The age of consent in Michigan is 16. You can't be legally charged for having sex with an 21-year-old, and he can't be charged for having sex with you unless he is a teacher or coach at your school.

Is it okay for a 17 year old to date a 15 year old The age of consent where i live is 16. I care about her more than anything. She recently said she wanted to start having sex. Is this okay?

You can date her, but you can't have sex with her.

If you had a boyfriend and you are 13 and he is 17 could he go to jail?

If the two of you are having sex, yes, it is possible that he could be charged (as a juvenile) for having sex with another under-age minor.

Can a same-sex couple marry in the state of Texas at age 17?

No. Same-sex marriage is not legal in Texas. Minimum age for marriage in Texas is 18, but 16- and 17-year-olds can marry with parental consent.

Is it legal to be with a 21 year old when im 17?

It depends on your state's "Age of Consent" laws. Most states age of consent is 16, however its legal to date anyone of any age as long as they aren't having sex. The only thing illegal in this situation is statutory rape (sex with a minor under the age of consent).

Is it okay for a 17 year old to date a 15 year old The age of consent where you live is 16 you care about her more than anything She recently said she wanted to start having sex Is this okay?

Dating is fine and legal but if age of consent is 16 you have to wait until then or you are breaking the law.

Can the parents of a 15 year old girl in Florida press charges against a 17 year old boy for having sex with the girl?

Yes. The age of consent is 18 in Florida. Even the close in age law doesn't allow activity below the age of 16.

Can you be with a 21-year-old if you are 17?

Yes, a 17-year-old can date a 21-year-old, but if they are having sex, the 21-year-old can be charged with statutory rape, which is treated very seriously in most states. The tricky thing is that the age of consent is 16 (in some states), but you're a minor until you're 18. So, a 16- and 17-year-old can have sex, but if a 17-year-old has sex with someone over 18, he/she (the person over 18) can be charged with statutory rape.

Can girls becom pragnent after one time sex in the age of 17?

ummmmm........ da! of course you can. if you are asking questions like this you dont need to be having sex at all.