A great deal of risk!, you should only ever get a tattoo from a trained professional.
If you have parental consent, then yes, you can get a tattoo done. However, this doesn't always mean that you should. Your opinions on what you think is cool is constantly changing, especially when you are that young. You may get something tattooed on you that you think is absolutely amazing, but then just a couple years later you will be wondering why you ever thought it was a good idea. I would just wait the extra two years and really think it over. They made the age requirement 18 for a reason.
no she doesnt have any what so ever.
There are tattoo removals but even after that surgery I believe there is still a scar that remains..Otherwise naturally no tattoos dont fade away completely. They do start to lose color though.
AnswerI heard that the swallow/sparrow tattoo's are to commemorate a fallen friend or family member. I would assume any persona that the bird has ie., devil horns, angel halo or even knife through it would depict the dead person's personality or trait.AnswerIt just means that they were a "Hard Man" back in their day. Everyone that I have ever met with a swallow tattoo has been at least a bit psychotic.AnswerA swallow tattoo used to be worn by sailors back in the day. When you were out/lost at sea and you saw a swallow you knew you were close to land because these birds are never far from shore. They would follow the birds to safety or to home. I think the idea is that when you had the swallow marked on your body it would always help you find your way home.AnswerThey indicate that you've gone to prison and done your 'bird'Answerit means freedomAnswerOn a woman's chest I always thought it was to let the sailor's know who the hookers were when they came to port.AnswerTraditionally a swallow tattoo is a seafaring tattoo. One is "earned" for every 5000 nautical miles (~5700 statute miles) travelled at sea. They are often tattooed on the chest or shoulders facing one another so they may lift the sailor and carry him home should he ever fall overboard.
Lucky Diamond Rich, a performance artist as well as a tattoo artist from Australia, and I don't see how his record will ever be trumped. He is tattooed on every square inch of his body.
Rabbits are tattooed in the left ear for identification. The tattoo is what ever the breeders chooses based upon what ever ID system they are using in their razbbitry. A rabbit that is registered with ARBA ( American Rabbit Breeders Association) will have a specific tattoo based upon the registrar.
It seems to be legal to tattoo your pets. There's unfortunately a new trend with people having their cats tattooed and especially cats without hair. I don't think the lawmakers ever considered this coming up.
Well if they get a tattoo being young then they wont be able to ever change it and they are still young so im sure that they wont want that tattoo when they are in there 30's or so. so it wouldn't be a good idea to get a tattoo so young unless you 100 percent sure your not gonna regret it wen you get older. Some people get allergic reactions to tattooing ink. if the tattoo is in an area that is immediately visible, people can judge you purely on that (they might think you are a slit/easy/a thug and so forth. it is also really expensive to be removed.
The most expensive single object ever built might be the International Space State that cost an estimated 150 billion dollars or more to construct. The space station power grid is one of the most expensive power sources ever created.
Tattoos gone wrong are basically ones that are going to be impossible to explain 5 years after getting it, for example your girlfriend asking why you have "Lauren" tattooed on your arm may be awkward. Well someone did this exact thing, however they were way ahead of me obviously because they went back to the tattoo parlour and had ralph tattooed just above it with the ralph laurent logo next to it, pretty sure that will be ever harder to explain.
Yes, have you ever thought about getting a rose tattoo?
where ever you want
Lady Gaga
One of his band members got drunk and went to get a tattoo. Marty went to talk the fella out of it. An altercation ensued and Marty was knocked out in the parking lot. His band member (former) dragged him into the tattoo parlor and had a large duroc pig tattooed onto Marty's throat. Both the band member and tattoo artist fled to Belize afterward and Marty was left with the decoration. He's worn the scarf ever since.
A great deal of risk!, you should only ever get a tattoo from a trained professional.
"Have you thought about getting a rose tattoo on your hand?"