If you have parental consent, then yes, you can get a tattoo done. However, this doesn't always mean that you should. Your opinions on what you think is cool is constantly changing, especially when you are that young. You may get something tattooed on you that you think is absolutely amazing, but then just a couple years later you will be wondering why you ever thought it was a good idea.
I would just wait the extra two years and really think it over. They made the age requirement 18 for a reason.
If you have consent from your legal guardian & the legal documents to prove your relationship
Your parents must be with you and you and your parents must both have ID and then any Virginia parlor will do it.
I know most tattoo parlors there will tattoo a 17 year old with parents PRESENT. Some will do 16 year olds with parents PRESENT. but written consent doesn't mean much when it can be forged.
depends what state you're in. In Massachusetts you can't. You have to be 16 with your gaurdian there and they have to write consent
If you have consent from your legal guardian & the legal documents to prove your relationship
The Previous answer was quite inaccurate. In the state of Nevada you can get a tattoo at the age of 16 with parental or legal guardian consent. Proper identification ie. Picture Id, birth certificate etc. must be present.
I not sure but they should let 16 year olds get a tattoo no problem
depends on who has the legal rights by law to everything else involving the 16 year old. who signs off at the doctor? who has the 16 year old's bith certificate? social security card? who has custody of the 16 year old? who is listed as the parent/guardian on all of the 16 year olds school documentation? who does the 16 year old live with? answer these questions and you'll know.
In the U.S. one must be 18+ to get any type of body piercing or tattoo on their own. The youngest you can be is 16 but your parent/guardian must be with you to sign the form and you both need some form of i.d. to prove that the adult is infact your guardian. If they are not your guardian than they and/or the piercer or tattoo artistwho did the piercing or tattoo on you can get sued by your guardian and if the piercer gets sued they can lose their license to pierce or tattoo
Only with parental or legal guardian's approval
I believe if you come with a parent then they will do it
If you mean by babysitting then yes but he is not old enough to be her guardian.
It varies by state about how old you can be to live without a parent or guardian, but the federal minimum is 16. Most states require parental consent.
Under 18 minors will need written consent from a parent/guardian.
Your parents must be with you and you and your parents must both have ID and then any Virginia parlor will do it.