A great place to look for guns for sale is on www.gunbroker.com, there are also many store in areas that sell guns, If you find the gun on gunbroker, you will have to buy the gun through a FFL liceanse holder
No you cannot buy a gun on The Sims 3.
You have to be 18 to buy a long gun and 21 to buy a hand gun.
Gun shop.
Yes, you can buy a gun case for anyone.
You can not buy a gun in Wisconsin and live somewhere else. In order to by a gun in Wisconsin you have to live there.
buy (gun here) e.g. buy ray gun
Yes, you can buy Nerf gun at Nanyang in Kuala Belait
Gun store, gun show, want ads, on line.
It's illegal for a minor to buy a gun anywhere in the US.
You can buy a quality nail gun online at this site (FreshDeals.com). For $31.01 you can purchase a fantastic Stanley nail gun from them.