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Q: Can you buy a gun at a gun show at a ca gun show without a background?
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Where are you able to buy a gun at a gun show with out a background?

Depending on where you live, you might not be able to.

What is the Gun show loop hole?

There is no loop hole. It's a fabricated phrase. Any person who is a licensed gun dealer must follow all the laws and fill out all the proper paperwork when selling guns, and they must do that even when they are selling at a gun show. IN MOST STATES, you can buy a gun directly from an individual without any paperwork, but you can do that whether you're at a gun show or your neighbor's house. When people use the phrase "gun show loophole" they are saying you can go to a gunshow and buy a gun without the background check, but that is only true (and legal) if you buy from an individual, which requires no background check, which again, is legal at a gun show or anywhere else.

Is a background check required to buy a clip for a gun?

No. However, if you cannot pass a background check, it is illegal for you to possess a gun or ammunition for a gun.

If handgun purchase from Oklahoma dealer is denied can it be purchased legally at a gun show?

It depends, but generally, the answer is no. If you failed a background check, you are a prohibited person. You could probably buy a handgun at a gun show, but it wouldn't be legal.

Can you buy a gun with no permit?

Depends on where you are. In MOST of the US, there is no requirement to have a permit to buy a gun. You must be an adult and pass a background check.

Where can you buy a gun?

Gun store, gun show, want ads, on line.

What states can you buy a gun without background check?

Federal law requires a background check when buying a gun from a dealer. This applies to ALL states. Please note that if you cannot pass a background check, it is illegal to possess a firearm- in any state. Penalty begins at 5 years in a Federal prison- no probation, no parole.

Where can you buy double triggers for firearms?

Gun show, gun shop

Can you buy gun case without gun permit for someone who has a permit as a gife?

Yes, you can buy a gun case for anyone.

Can you own a gun and not register it?

Yes. You can buy a gun through a private sale or gun show.

Where can you buy hr cases?

gun shop, gun show, MidWay USA

Were to buy small but real guns?

Gun store, gun show, on line.