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uhm tis is kinda weird...but in your ears lol but you can gauge lotsa things other than just your ears n btw gauging your ears hurts...

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Q: Were does gauge earings go
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Related questions

Can you dive with earings in?

Only if the earings have backings

How do you take your new earings out?

it does not hert when you take your earings out!

Where can you find a replacement earring that is lost?

go to the jewlers or buy a new pair of earings

Why are earings called earings?

because earings are earings you put it in your ear that's first off all why its called earing and second of al because and you just put a ing around it it will be earing..

Where do they sell Claire's earings?

They sell clairs earings at Claires in the shopping malls

I have a 16 g earing in and can fit 4 20 g earings in also what size gauge is your ear?

Based on your description, your ear gauge size is likely around a 16 gauge. The fact that you can fit 4 20 gauge earrings in the same hole suggests that your earlobe has stretched to accommodate the smaller size earrings.

Who discovered earings?


Do goths wear earrings?

yeah! Lots of goths wear earings! They usually wear black earings though.

Are magnets okay to use as earings?

yep... people use and make there own magnetic earings all the time

Can ears be allergic to earings Because I have Had my ears pierced for over 1 year and they still close up what should i do?

Try buying wooden earrings, or go to a higher gauge. Yes I'm referring to stretching. Try stretching your ears to a 14 or a 12 gauge, and wear wooden earrings. It's better for your ears, natural, and much more difficult for them to heal. You could keep them in for longer and not change them as much.

Can you suggest me a store wherein i can shop for earrings this Diwali The dress is dark green in color with blue and golden embroidery if that can help?

Claire's is always good for earings that are "a bit of fun" but you could always go to a jewellers and ask for some fake emerald or sapphire earings.

What do i get for me and my girlfriend one year?
