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The northern states never had legal slavery.

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Slavery was not legal in the Northern states during the Civil War. The Northern states had already abolished slavery before the outbreak of the war, while the Southern states still allowed slavery. This stark division between free and slave states was one of the key factors leading to the Civil War.

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Q: Was slavery legal in north during the civil war?
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How does the north feel about slavery?

The North generally opposed slavery due to beliefs in equality and human rights, leading to the abolitionist movement and eventual Civil War fought primarily over the issue of slavery. The North viewed slavery as morally wrong and incompatible with the principles of freedom and democracy.

Would slavery have been legal in the south if they would have won the war?

It is most likely that slavery would have continued in the southern states if they had won the Civil War, as it was a key component of the economic and social structure at that time. However, the changing attitudes towards slavery and the broader global movement towards abolition may have eventually led to its demise in the South as well.

Was slavery allowed in Pennsylvania?

Slavery was allowed in Pennsylvania during the colonial period, but the state gradually began to restrict and eventually abolish slavery. In 1780, Pennsylvania passed the Gradual Abolition Act, which provided for the gradual emancipation of enslaved individuals, making Pennsylvania the first state in the U.S. to abolish slavery.

What is sectional division over slavery?

Sectional division over slavery refers to the deep political and social rift that existed between the Northern and Southern United States in the 19th century over the issue of slavery. The North generally opposed slavery and sought its abolition, while the South defended the institution of slavery as vital to its economy and way of life. This divide ultimately led to the American Civil War.

Why did the North outlaw slavery in the late 1700's while the South expanded slavery?

The North outlawed slavery in the late 1700s primarily due to economic reasons, as industrialization and urbanization made slave labor less profitable. In contrast, the South's economy was heavily dependent on agriculture, specifically cotton production, which thrived on slave labor. The South expanded slavery to maintain its economic competitiveness and to preserve the existing social order.

Related questions

Who fought against slavery during the civil war?

the north fought the south, and the north won north- against slavery south- slavery

What side wanted slavery during the civil war?

In the civil war the south wanted slavery. The North had machines and wanted to abolish slavery. ; )

Who was the Union during the US Civil War?

The north, which was against slavery.

What divided the north and south during the civil war?

The issue of slavery.

Why did the north think they were right during the civil war?

Because they were. Slavery is an abomination.

Did the north or south allow slavery?

During the Civil War era, it was the South that allowed slavery. They were known as the Confederates.

What were the differences between the south and the north ideologies pre civil war?

One of the obvious differences between the North and the South during the U.S. Civil War was that the North was anti-slavery and the South was pro-slavery.

How man factories did the north have during the civil war?

Not very many since slavery was banned.

What goes through fission?

during civil war south wanted slavery but north was fighting it

What did the north say during the civil war?

They said that the the whole union should get rid of slavery.

How free were African Americans in the north during slavery?

Not very. Slavery was originally legal in all the colonies, north and south. When the Civil War ended, there were still slaves in New Jersey, albeit only a small number. See related link below for some excellent information on your question.

What do state mean?

States in the south that fought with the north during the Civil War. The Confederates wanted slavery, but the Union, or the North, was against it.