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Q: Was Facebook first called The Facebook?
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Why did mark zuckerburg call Facebook Facebook?

It was first called "Facemash" but then soon changed to "The Facebook" then the "The" was dropped out .

Who is the author of 'The Face Book'?

The author, or the founder, of the social networking site called Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook is no longer called 'The Face Book'; it was renamed Facebook after the first two years.

What is the kids Facebook called?

the kids facebook called

What was the name of Facebook before it was called The Facebook?

it was Facebook!

When was Facebook first launched?

Facebook was first launched in 2006

What is the webcam app called for Facebook?

Skype+facebook. Facechat.

How do you do tweets on Facebook?

first you have connect your twitter with facebook after that you can send your tweet at facebook wall.

What is hindi of facebook?

Facebook as a website is called facebook only. If you want literal translation in Hindi, face is called muh/chehara and book is called kitab/pustak. But using those words to refer to facebook will sound quite absurd!

What is the person name who found Facebook?

mark zukerberg discovered the facebook in 2004 .the first name of facebook is "The Facebook".

What are people on facebook called?

They are called facebookers.

When was Facebook first thought of?

The idea for Facebook first came up by Mark Zuckerberg whilst he was studying at Harvard University in 2004. Facebook first went live in February of 2004.

What is it called when you delete a friend from facebook?

That is called unfriending.