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Viable means alive (i.e. there was a heartbeat seen)

Intrauterine means 'inside your uterus' (where it should be)

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Q: Viable intrauterine pregnancy
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Can a non-viable pregnancy turn into a viable pregnancy?

There may be a chance, you should have a follow-up ultrasound if the pregnancy is IN your uterus. If it's an abdominal or ectopic(tubal) then the answer is no.

Is a pregnancy not viable if no heartbeat is seen at 7 weeks?

My doctor told me after 7 weeks 2 days, if there is no heart beat then the pregnancy would not be viable.

If there is no fetal pole at 8 weeks is pregnancy still viable?


Can you have pregnancy symptoms with a nonviable pregnancy?

Yes it is still a pregnancy even though it is not viable, it is still attached to your uterine wall and causing your body to show pregnancy signs. If it is not a viable pregnancy then it will pass and you will have a miscarriage or the dr may have to manually remove it, they usually prescribe meds first to get you to have contractions so your body will do it naturally. good luck

What is the latest implantation can occur in a viable pregnancy?

14-16 days past ovulation...but rare

How do you tell between an ectopic pregnancy and a viable pregnancy?

As when you are a few weeks, or even may start at the beginning, you will have nasty pains in your left/right ovary, also bleeding is a common sign, and a faiding pregnancy test.

If a single malformed intrauterine gestational sac with scanty perisac bleed is noted in us and fetal pole is not visualized Size of gestational sac is 126cm with 5 weeks 3 days of gestation chances?

The likelihood of a viable pregnancy is uncertain in this situation as the fetal pole should normally be visualized at this stage. Further monitoring with repeat ultrasounds and testing of hCG levels may be needed to assess the progression of the pregnancy. It is important to follow up with your healthcare provider for a more comprehensive evaluation.

What is the meaning of medical terminal pregnancy?

End of pregnancy before the embryo is viable. In the medicinal sense, this term and the term unsuccessful labor both allude to the end of pregnancy before the embryo is fit for survival outside the uterus.

What is the meaning G3P2A1?

G3P2A1 refers to the pregnancy history of a woman... G stands for gravida (the # of times a woman has been pregnant, regardless of the outcome of the pregnancy) P stands for parity (the # of viable births) A stands for abortus (the # of lost pregnancies.. ie due to miscarriage or abortion) Therefore, a woman with G3P2A1 status has had 3 pregnancies, 2 viable births and 1 lost pregnancy.

What does Viable Singleton Mean?

It means that there were probably two as in twins and for whatever reason only one survived- is remaining in the pregnancy.

Can you feel the baby kick during ectopic pregnancy?

No - ectopic pregnancies are not viable at the length of time required to experience kicking.

If you have loss of pregnancy symptoms but have no bleeding what could be wrong?

What other symptoms are you experiencing and how far along is the pregnancy? If it is early in the pregnancy you may notice your temperature going down as a symptom that the pregnancy is not viable. If you are far enough along you may need to see a doctor to help your body let the pregnancy go. Your body will not always naturally shed the pregnancy (called 'spontaneous abortion') on its own. There are two ways the doctor can help you. If the pregnancy is not viable and is very early there is a pill you can take that will basically make you get a very heavy period. If you too far along they will do a D & C which means they physically scrape out your uteras and remove the pregnancy that way.