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No - ectopic pregnancies are not viable at the length of time required to experience kicking.

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Q: Can you feel the baby kick during ectopic pregnancy?
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Can you feel your baby moving with an ectopic pregnancy?

Women with an ectopic pregnancy have different experiences. Some women may feel the baby moving at a certain period of the development, while others may not at all. Women would need to have a surgery in order to remove an ectopic pregnancy because of health risks.

Can you feel the ovary if youre having an ectopic pregnancy?

ectopic pregnancy per se has no relation to feel ovaryovary can be felt if a mass in ovary coexist

Will you have weight gain withan ectopic pregnancy?

Yes you can. However if you feel that you may be having an ectopic pregnancy you should see a Dr or go to the ER right away as it is life threatening.

Can you conceive n same tube as you had ectopic pregnancy on?

It would depend if the tube was repaired or not. If you feel that you may have an ectopic pregnancy you should see your Dr or go to the ER right away.

In the first trimester do you feel uncomfortable in your upper belly?

Pregnancy should be painless during the first trimester, see an OB doctor to assess for ectopic. Do this soon. Joymaker RN

Today you took a pregnancy test it was negative im on day 37 of your cycle im usually 29 day cycle what do you do next can this be an ectopic pregnancy?

If it was an ectopic pregnancy, you would still show positive on a pregnancy test. Do you have any other pregnancy symptoms? I would not consider pregnancy unless you feel you may be pregnant from some other sign.

Could you have an ectopic pregnancy if you are bleeding every month but you feel pregnant?

An ectopic pregnancy usually becomes apparent around 5-6 weeks as the growing pregnancy stretches the Fallopian tube and may burst it. Most of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy can also be signs /symptoms of other conditions. see a doctor.

Do moans during sex bother or frighten baby at 18weeks?

Lol.. of course not. in late pregnancy, your baby will feel your sex activity but its ok

You hear and feel a baby moving inside of you but you continue to have periods and this is your second child?

Go to doctor as fast as possible. You could be having a ectopic pregnancy. Basically the baby is not growing inside of your uterus, bu in the abdomen above it. This is very DANGEROUS. Go to a doctor.

No baby movements during 4 months of pregnancy?

Some women don't feel the baby move until month 4, 5, or 6 of the pregnancy. If you're concerned, check with your doctor. He can do an ultrasound to check on the baby.

Can you feel movement 8 weeks of pregnancy but the doctor say you may have a ectopic?

Due to pregnancy hormones your digestive sytem is really upset. It feels like little bubbles going off in your stomach. I was about 12 weeks when I felt the real movements of the baby. I was also told I may have an ectopic he turned out ok and is now two years old. I hope you get the same result :-)

If you have had an ectopic pregnancy and found out you were pregnant two and a half months later is that ok?

As long as you feel well you should be fine and carry your pregnancy nornmally. Good luck