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from 250- 350.00 depending on condition

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Q: Value for model 270 Winchester 22 cal pump?
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Related questions

What is the value of a 1972 Winchester model 70 270 cal?

The value of a 1972 Winchester model 70 270 cal is between $760 to $800. This is good condition price.

How old is a Winchester model 270 pump 22 with serial number 530365?

The Winchester model 270 was produced from 1963-1974.Winchester did not keep records of the production by year of these serial numbers.

Whati is the value of a Winchester -model 670-270 serial 112700 go for?

about 375.00

How old is Winchester model 270?

The best that I can do for you,is say that that the winchester model 270 was made by winchester between the years 1963-1974.Winchester did not keep yearly production figures on the model 270.It was grouped together as the model 200 series of rifles.

What is the value and year of a Winchester 270 model?

The Winchester model 270 was a part of the Winchester 200 series of rifles made from 1963-1965 until 1976.This included the models 250,270,290,275.the model 270 was discontinued in the year 1974.The value cannot be expressed without you providing a more detailed description of your rifles overall condition,original finish remaining and the bore,s condition.

How much is a 1965 Model 70 Winchester 270 serial 747048 worth?

The Winchester 270 1965 model 70, serial number 747048 is valued at $600 in excellent condition. In fair condition, its value is $375. In poor condition, its value is $250.

What is the Age and value of Winchester model 70xtr-270 serial number 81447867?

Go to and look at the Winchester sn data.

What is the value of a used excellent condition Winchester model 70 Winlite laminated rifle in 270 Winchester?

300-500 usd

What is a good price for a Winchester model 70 270 Winchester cal made in the early 60s?

The value of a pre 64 model 70 cal. 270 in good shape will go for somewhere around 1200.00 to 1800.00.. with out anykind of a scope.

Is THEIR a 270 model rimington auto MODEL 4?

Remington never made the Model 4 in 270 Winchester.

What is the value of Winchester 270 Model 70 serial 229217?

need more info on condition of Winchester model 70 friend has one in 30-06 in very good condition. i would say anywhere from 200-thousands.

What is the value of a Winchester 270 model 330 made bye Harrington and Richardson inc?

100-400 USD