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Yes! as long as it is in that period of a woman's fertility cycle where she is ovulating and she doesn't have to have had her first period yet either. Same after having a baby - she can get pregnant right away, again without having a period. The fertility cycle comes before the period.

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Q: True of False - Pregnancy can occur the first time a couple has intercourse?
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Should you have intercourse in your first trimester or pregnancy?

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Is it okay to have intercourse during pregnancy?

you should always check with your doctor first, but as long as it is a healthy & normal pregnancy and there is no discomfort it should be ok.

In your first month of pregnancy does it show on the pregnancy test?

Fourteen days after intercourse or the day of your expected period.

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Yes; intercourse is perfectly safe throughout your entire pregnancy as long as you, the female, remains comfortable or your doctor orders you to refrain from sex.

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You should have intercourse when you are mature enough to deal with the possibility of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. If you think "That could never happen to me" then you're still too immature.

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You can take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after sex

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u take the pregnancy test too early tht can cause a false reading so if u are anxious to find out my best suggestion is to get first response.

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This phenomena is much more common than you may think. It is usual for the couple to come for termination of the pregnancy. It is advisable to continue the pregnancy. The couple can delay the second pregnancy. At times you terminate the first pregnancy and then the patient does not conceive later on.

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A doe rabbit can absorb her kits at any stage of pregnancy, usually due to stress or health issues. If your rabbit has milk but no signs of babies, it could be a false pregnancy. A vet check is recommended to rule out any underlying health concerns.

Can your period be late after first intercourse?

Yes, it is possible for your period to be late after having first intercourse due to hormonal changes, stress, or other factors. If you are concerned about a late period, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test and consult a healthcare provider.

Negative pregnancy test but urinated on it again and it went positive?

This happened to me when I got pregnant with my third child. The first test was negative and the second positive. From what I understand, a pregnancy test can give a false negative but rarely gives a false positive.