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You should have intercourse when you are mature enough to deal with the possibility of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. If you think "That could never happen to me" then you're still too immature.

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Q: When should a person first have intercourse?
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What is the age up to which a person should do intercourse?

From the age of 16 to any age.

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You can have intercourse until the baby pops his/her little head out as long as it's comfortable for you.

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Well yes, and what do you mean by first? What? His first girlfriend that he had sexual intercourse with?

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You have intercourse and while you have it a white thing eill go inside your penis then you wank your penis into the person your having intercourse with and it should come out.=] have intercourse to thank me please im gay and i love girls aswell.

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How is an STD passed from person to person?

By unsafe sexual intercourse.

Control measures of HIV?

infected person must refrain from sexual intercourse, unless he uses a condom during sexual intercourse! Notify future sexual intercourse partner of the infection Those volunteers especially for donating the blood should do the test of HIV antibodies.

Is it okay to have intercourse during pregnancy?

you should always check with your doctor first, but as long as it is a healthy & normal pregnancy and there is no discomfort it should be ok.

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A person who has sex with a corpse is referred to as a necrophiliac.

What is an age of consent?

An age of consent is teh age at which a person is legally considered to be allowed to willingly engage in sexual intercourse, and at which is is not a crime to engage in sexual intercourse with the person.