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Stop alcohol consumption. smoking, heavy exercise, lifting heavy objects. For the first trimester, is better to take complete rest. second and third trimester try to be active enuf. follow a healthy diet which inculdes lotsof vegetables and fruits especially, take vitamins. Final and foremost drink plenty of liquids like water fruit juices. Hope this helps!!!

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Q: Things not to do that will cause you to lose your baby?
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Can you lose a baby from laughing?

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Blowing in a baby's face can cause them to lose their breath momentarily because it triggers a reflex called the "gag reflex." This reflex causes the baby to briefly stop breathing in response to the sudden rush of air in their face.

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many things can casue it like heat.

How can you loose a baby?

how can you lose a baby

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It is scientifically proven that you lose baby fat by age 9. Some lose it at 10

Is a baby born child smarter then an adult?

I am not a expert on things like this but when born u r a very smart baby and more then likely a baby is smarter then a full grown adult adults lose 10,000 brain cells a day because of age and a baby gain 10,000-20,000 a day and lose 2000 about a day

Will Dr. Torres lose the baby and die in Grey's Anatomy?

No, Dr. Torres does not lose her baby.

How can you lost a baby at 5 months?

It's possible to lose a baby at anytime during a pregnancy. An undiagnosed UTI may be the culprit, but there are a myriad of different things that could have caused it.

Does susan Kennedy lose the baby in neighbors?

yes, susan does lose the baby after she fell after arguing with dan