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It is scientifically proven that you lose baby fat by age 9. Some lose it at 10

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Q: When do you start to lose baby fat?
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Related questions

What is baby fat?

baby fat is fat that you have as a child but soon lose as you grow older and get slimmer

How do you get rid of baby fat on cheeks?

lose weight

At what age does a female child lose her baby fat?

Most girls lose their baby fat on their teenage years. When you are around 13-15 you start noticing that you get taller, but you get taller because you are loosing weight. This happens naturally, especially if you play a sport! Every girl is an individual, so if its not happening yet don't worry! Some girls don't lose their baby fat because they don't exercise at all or have a very slow metabolism. So if you think you are fat or just don't like the way you look. Get into sports in school and out of school and eat healthy, and the fat will go away. I hope i answered your question.

How soon should you try to lose abdominal fat after having a baby?

You can start some light exercising right away. You can start eating a healthy low fat balanced diet right away. Even if you're nursing you can eat a low fat diet, but you must eat three healthy meals plus snacks to lose fat.

If you start jogging do you lose stomach fat?

Yes, but you lose fat from other areas too.

Why is Madison Lovato so fat?

she has baby fat and when she is older she lose it like demi lovato had baby fat and she lost when grew up

Easy ways to lose baby fat?

dont drink soda and in about 2 weeks u will lose 8 pounds

What age do people lose baby fat?

people can have baby fat up to years. it could be 10+ years and some women simply dont lose it even after workout. if you have a high metabolism and you work out, the baby fat should be gone within 6-8 months. - Dr. Lewis Las Vegas Women And Children Center

Is Madison lovato fat?

Yes demi's lil sis is a lil bigger but its called baby fat she will lose it when shes older.

How do kids get big muscles?

Kids can get bigger muscles by running to lose baby fat then do push ups crunches and pull ups. Also playing sports is good I am 11 and have a six pack and fairly big biceps/triceps. Football is one of the best and also once you lose your baby fat keep running to lose access fat

Can a baby become fat?

Yes, if you overfeed it enough. However, it is fat to start with, you'd only make it fatter.

How many calores should an eight year old eat per day?

depends on ur weight and metabolism rate but if ur eight u shouldn't worry start worrying when your like 13 or 14 start to lose baby fat