If you really like him then ask him out, but if you have more important things in your life wait for him to make a move. If you feel impatient let him know that you like him too and hopefully things will work out.
Say nothing and dump him
yes totaly
Great friend you have. If the guy says he likes your friend to her face she should say how she doesn't like him and he should go for someone else.( and kinda point how he should like you, but not in a obvious way.)
It means he likes you.
well if you like him ask him out
They would maybe say yes you YOU asked him. It could also mean that he thinks you are hot, but doesn't like your personality. Also it could mean that you are *kinda* hot.
When a guy says he likes your face it means he likes the way that you look.
If he says i like you
It means he is only using you for his own gratification, so unless you like to be used, I would keep looking.
He likes you, just like he thinks, you like him!
If a guy says that you are pretty it does not mean that he likes you. He could like you, or he could just be paying you a compliment.
If the guy that asked hoo do u like and he says waters that kinda means he likes u or if that guy asks u hoo u like and he says waterer and u ask the guy out it cud mean that the guy asked u he cud hate the guy u asked out