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Generally speaking, one's pocket! However, from a biological point of view, the first parts of the body affected are those touched first i.e the mouth and associated parts, the throat and oesophagus and the stomach. The most notable effect (detrimental) is on the stomach lining due to the longer contact time than the afore-mentioned organs.

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Q: The first thing alcohol affects is?
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What is the first thing alcohal affects?

Alcohol can affect a few things. Alcohol can affect the mind, body and thinking.

What is the first thing alcohol affects?

Your liver is the first thing affected, it starts to work like crazy trying to remove the alcohol. For people who are suffering from liver problems such as Hep C, drinking alcohol is the worst thing they can do. If you want a healthy lifestyle, alcohol is not a good thing.

Is vision the third thing alcohol effects?

yes the vision is the third thing alcohol affects

What is the first thing that alcohol affects?

Your liver is the first thing affected, it starts to work like crazy trying to remove the alcohol. For people who are suffering from liver problems such as Hep C, drinking alcohol is the worst thing they can do. If you want a healthy lifestyle, alcohol is not a good thing.

What is The first thing alcohol affects while driving?

A person's judgment is the first thing affected after drinking an alcoholic beverage. - Official Florida Driver's Handbook 2010, page 18

On which system does alcohol first affect the working?

Alcohol first affects the central nervous system.

What is the first thing affected by alcohol?

Judgement is the first thing that gets affected by alcohol.

Alcohol first affects the area of the brain that controls?


Is vision the first thing affected by alcohol?

Vision is not the first thing effected by alcohol. A sense of elevated mood is the first reaction usually reported.

How does alcohol first affect the working of the body?

Alcohol first affects the body by slowing down the central nervous system, leading to impaired coordination, judgment, and reaction time. It also affects the brain's communication pathways, altering mood and behavior.

What part of your body alcohol does not affects?

alcohol affects every organ in your body; that's if you have too much.

Are the affects of alcohol a depressant or stimulant?

Alcohol is a depressant.