Not with his own semen. Though if he came into contact with another man's semen (having sex with another man or even a woman who recently had sex), then the "foreign" semen could impregnate the woman.
Not with his own semen. Though if he came into contact with another man's semen (having sex with another man or even a woman who recently had sex), then the "foreign" semen could impregnate the woman.
it is harder for an old man to get a woman pregnant because most old men are sterile or are so old that if they have sex they could have a heart attack while doing it.
Woman can always get pregnant unless if she or her partner is sterile. It's during the beginning of the cycle and end of the cycle that the chances of becoming pregnant skyrocket.
Sex change but even with that you would still be a woman just sterile
In order for a woman to get pregnant, she must have sperm from a man.
Exactly the same as a non-pregnant woman or a man.
Nothing. Men do not have symptoms when a woman is pregnant.
No; it would not be possible.
when a woman is pregnant