I expect you are ovulating - women normally ovulate 2 weeks after their last period and they often spot
no not normal
I want to know too I been spotting for 17 days now and it started on may 4 my last period ended on april 24?
It's totally normal. It's just dried blood from your last period.
You could be. Take a test
It is most likely that this is ovulation bleeding which generally occurs 2 weeks after period ended. However, if there is a chance that you could be pregnant, take a test if you miss your period
Yes, that is what happened to me and I am now 35 weeks pregnant. The spotting is fertilisation taking place.
no you only spot once around the time you expecting your next period and last for 2 days only
if you had sex then yeah it a 80% possible you can be pregnant -KiKi
I'am on the depot and i have noticed that i have been spotting for the last 2 weeks why?
Spotting after a pap normally lasts for less than a day. Sometimes the changes to the cervix from pregnancy can make it last a little longer, but if it does, call your health care provider.
Spotting will continue for 2 to 8 weeks.