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some things they might say if they aren't shy...would be.."cheesy" stuff like hey hotstuff or theres no smokin allowed.....stuff like that but,some guy that are kinda shy might say stuff like hey that's a pretty necklace,your hair is beautiful,just like little things that make you feel good about yourself...but you better make sure they arent tryin to play shy..cause then when they "build up" enough courage to ask you out...then they might just change all the way..and that might not be the guy you need or type of guy you would like to have....!! be careful..and ALL guys flirt and when they do you will be able to know..but if you don't your friend or somebody will know and tell you hopefully...

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Q: Some examples of complements guys may give to a girl he likes?
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I think he likes her way deep down, or that he is doing certain things to make them tell that she likes him. I think he is trying to make her tell him that she likes him.

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If he likes the girl who likes him, then yeah.

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Can a girl that says she likes girls like a guy?

Yes, some can.

What if a girl likes you but wont kiss you for some reason you dont now?

Your girl might have another guy ?