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Either will work, but it is far more likely that it would be by hand with a needle. Professional peircers frown on using guns and most (boutique) shops that use guns will not pierce noses - or anything except for your ear. Dont try it yourself or let a friend do it - its not worth the risk of infection.


A gun maybe... But both of them hurt. I would never want to pierce any part of my body.....

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Q: Should you use a needle or gun to get your nose pierced?
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Probably a needle because a gun is more likely to cause an infection and it's better if a needle is used.

When you get your nose pierced with a gun does it hurt afterwards?

well of course, any piercing hurts, with or without a gun. but, i doubt they would pierce your nose with a gun, instead a hollow needle.

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How does the whole nose piercing thing work?

For my the lady asked if I wanted it with a gun or needle. Thing is with the gun you get a bigger ugly stud, but with the needle a nice classy stud... So I got the needle. The girl cleaned the nose are to be pierced and marked it and asked if the spot was okay. Then after tell you to breath, sticks the needle in and it's all DONE

Is it illegal to get your nose pierced with a gun?

No, I got mine done with a gun, but it hurt like heck. It's also a more painful healing process, so i would get it done with a needle.

Is it better to get your lip pierced with a needle or a gun?

Needle. Guns aren't suitable for any piercing

Does it hurt when you pierce your nose with a gun?

* My nose was pierced with a gun and it didn't hurt at all but then again people tell me that you shouldn't have anything pierced with guns. * I had the needle done, and it hurt like hell, but it is supposedly the healthier way to do it.

Do they freeze your ear before piercing it with a needle?

normally if you go to a chemist to have your ears pierced they just use a little gun.. it is quite painless.

Which is better when you get your cartilage pierced the needle or gun?

Without a doubt, the needle over the gun......For one thing the gun touching you is the same gun that has touched everyone before you....The gun cannot be sterilized or cleaned per se..... Also the gun will smash the cartilage, and be especially painful..... In the hands of a competent piercer the needle over the gun, now, forever and always....Hope this helps........... i went to a place and they said you can loose your ear if you get it done with a gun because of the pressure and force so if they are not going to do it with a needle just go somewhere else do not take the unnecessary risk

How painful is it to get a nose ring?

Depends on your pain tolerance, but in my experience and from that of others, it hurts less than getting your earlobes pierced. Mine was done so quickly I barely noticed. Just make sure you get it done with a needle and not a gun. As much as the gun might seem like the quicker and better option, it was never meant to go through cartilage like your nose and can cause more damage and increase healing time. The needle is quick, painless and reduces the healing time. Good luck!

What does it feel like getting your nose pierced with needle?

apparently its not painful, its just more intense like pressure but not sore or anything and is known for not being sore after getting it pierced but nearly all of them are to be honest i cant give you an honest answer but i found this out and i have had my nose pierced twice but with a gun but guns are known to be painful but the 1st time literally you couldn't feel a thing but the second time it was sore kind of hurt while getting it pierced as well and after when i went back home after getting it done but i love the piercing well worth it tongues more worse in pain as I've had it done probably the nose was the best piercing for not being in pain.

Does it hurt to get a nose piercing done with a gun?

Do not get it done with a gun! Its really dangerous and any piercing shop should know this, if a piercing place is saying they do it with a gun. Do NOT go to them. Do it with a needle only. Guns are only for ears, and your not even supposed to use a gun on the cartilage of your ear, it could shatter your cartilage.