well of course, any piercing hurts, with or without a gun. but, i doubt they would pierce your nose with a gun, instead a hollow needle.
No, I got mine done with a gun, but it hurt like heck. It's also a more painful healing process, so i would get it done with a needle.
* My nose was pierced with a gun and it didn't hurt at all but then again people tell me that you shouldn't have anything pierced with guns. * I had the needle done, and it hurt like hell, but it is supposedly the healthier way to do it.
Probably a needle because a gun is more likely to cause an infection and it's better if a needle is used.
apparently its not painful, its just more intense like pressure but not sore or anything and is known for not being sore after getting it pierced but nearly all of them are to be honest i cant give you an honest answer but i found this out and i have had my nose pierced twice but with a gun but guns are known to be painful but the 1st time literally you couldn't feel a thing but the second time it was sore kind of hurt while getting it pierced as well and after when i went back home after getting it done but i love the piercing well worth it tongues more worse in pain as I've had it done probably the nose was the best piercing for not being in pain.
It really doesn't hurt very bad. But when its pierced you will hear a good "pop" or "crunch" sound (which most piercing junkies like myself think is funny) My advice though is to make sure to have it pierced in a tattoo or piercing parlor which uses one use sterilized needles NOT a piercing gun. It will hurt less and heal much, much better. What most shops that use piercing guns probably wont tell you is that the gun is actually not intended for any piercing other than lower lobe.
Your belly button has more nerves in it, so it will hurt more. I can't really say but I had my belly button done when i was 14(6years ago) and I was terrified but it didn't even hurt my mum friend had her nose done and said it hurt and was a lot like the top of your ear because its cartilage but is in a more sensitive area so I'm guessing your nose might hurt more but they are probably similar. Your belly button doesn't hurt because its just a flap of skin and heals really quickly. I've personally had both done, and the nose hurt a little more. I had my nose pierced with a gun and it just stung for a little while, just the same as the belly button. And the belly button takes longer to heal than the nose, the nose takes 2 weeks where as the belly button takes about months to a year. Don't get me wrong they both hurt a bit, but it feels similar to a shot. :) **from a personal view i thought that my belly button hurt worse, but my nose definitely made me curse out loud, so who is to say they both don't hurt equally from your view. I do know that my belly button is healing way faster than my nose did, I've had it pierced since Dec 09 and the tissue is still tender, I had issues with it ripping out in my sleep so ouch, but my belly button has been done no more than a week and even though it hurt worse I'm satisfied with my results, it looks and feels pretty great to me. It's only been two months since my nose piercing. Everybody's body is different though but I would NOT get any piercing other than my ears (and even that I don't recommend, read up on a gun vs a hollow needle) that's ridiculous. I would never recommend a gun for a nose eyebrow belly button etc piercing and I definitely would not let a shop pierce me like that!
No, it doesn't. I had my midway done (the lower cartilage right above the lobe) and it really didn't hurt that bad. It has taken only about 6 weeks and it was easy to take care of.
Really it all depends on who pierces you ear and what they use. (needle or gun) Everyone's pain tolerance us different.
'ear flap' isn't very helpfull, youre either talking about your lobes,which dosent hurt,your cartlidge which dosent hurt if you get it with a stud gun,or your tragus,which kind of hurts,it must be done at your local,trusted piercer.
Not really. It's all a matter of how high your pain tolerance is really. It shouldn't hurt more than an ordinary cartilage piercing. Just make sure it's done with a needle and not with a piecing gun.
It's when a machine gun enters the nose.