Spotting is an early sign of pregnancy as it can show that it would either be your hormone cycle triggering bleeding when you period should have been due or that a fertilised egg is embedding into your uterus lining. Spotting is either a light red like your period but can vary up to a brown colour.
It is completely normal is pregnancy and is usually the earliest sign, so yes take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant!
It is still possible to be pregnant and have spotting. You should take a pregnancy test to make sure.
Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.
Take a pregnancy test
You could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test
You should take a pregnancy test to be safe.
If you are on birth control then that is normal because it is a side effect. Bleeding between periods can be pregnancy BUT its depends on the person. There are many other reasons why you can be spotting.
No. Take a pregnancy test.
You should see a doctor.
Yes, thse are pregnancy symptoms. Try not to worry about ectopic pregnancy. Take a test
You should get a pregnancy test just to make sure
It may be your birth control if you are taking any they cause irregular periods.
Brown discharge could be implantation bleeding or early pregnancy spotting which are both common. If your period is late, take a test or go and get a blood test.