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The girls and i

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Q: Should you say me and the girls or the girls and I?
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You girls should say:"Grow up kiddo."

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No, Its for everyone. Its is sexist if guys say girls should only bake

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No "girls sports" is correct.

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I say yes they should

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Girls Life is a magazine having a lot of topics such as advise, celebrities, fashion, makeup, and stories about real girls. If you are wondering if you should start subscribing to it, I say you should get it.

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me as a girl i would say no

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"I do" has generally been the appropriate phrase.

Should girls say homie to a guy they like?

if their black yes if their white maybe

What should you say when girls tell you that you have a nice chest?

Say "Thank you!" with a smile, and leave it at that. If they want to go on about it, let it be up to them.

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Well, last time I checked, there was no laws saying that certain people can't say things. This is sexist, and you're a pig. Yes girls can say bro. Problem, bro?