No it's not that. Kissing is lips, french kissing is when tongues are inserted. try not to lick though.
Ummm on their lips?
Licking lips after kissing could be a nervous habit or indicate anticipation for more kissing. It may also be a subconscious way to savor the moment or to moisten dry lips.
i think you should start kissing on the lips at 12who am i kiddin i had my frist kiss when i was nine and now i am almost ten still nine
Well Kissing can give you many of diseases due to open cuts or sores in the mouth or lips. You can get Herpies and more. If you see anything on there lips or tongue before kissing stop immediatly and recomend they get tested before anything else continues... Well Kissing can give you many of diseases due to open cuts or sores in the mouth or lips. You can get Herpies and more. If you see anything on there lips or tongue before kissing stop immediatly and recomend they get tested before anything else continues... Well Kissing can give you many of diseases due to open cuts or sores in the mouth or lips. You can get Herpies and more. If you see anything on there lips or tongue before kissing stop immediatly and recomend they get tested before anything else continues...
Well, if you lick your lips alot, it irritates your skin, plus it removes the vaseline from your lips. If you don't lick your lips, try using blistex, I find it helps me and my family.
close eyes,, check breath, ask permission, brush teeth, pucker up, lick lips
well u guys are really close friends so u should just lean in and if he backs away u should let him think about it but he he leans in too its time. dont use lipgloss or lipstick because it can get all over his lips! just lick ur lips slightly or use chapstick dont lick ur lips to much it will be like kissing a dog! and if this works you'll maybe be bf & gf (boyfriend and girlfriend)
No not just from kissing on the lips. But it could lead to intercourse which yes can lead to pregnancy.
yes they have kissed on the lips.. He even touched her butt! They were at the beach kissing.
While kissing in the lips its express our feeling so they like it
To prevent chapped lips you should use a good moisturizing lip balm and apply it before you go to sleep and throughout the day if you feel your lips are dry. You also shouldn't lick your lips if they are dry especially when the weather is cold as this will just dry your lips out and make the problem worse.