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While kissing in the lips its express our feeling so they like it

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Q: Is kissing the lips good for a girl?
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Is kissing a good exercise?

Well I think that kissing is a good exercise for you lips.

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How do you kiss a girl on the first date?

start by kissing her on the check then the lips

Should you lick your lips before kissing?

well it depends on th e type of girl she is and it also depends on you if you think you should lick your lips before kissing you should do it tell her i said hi jk dont then stalker on the lose

How can you kiss a girl lips to lips while she hates you and nervous of kissing?

I would highly recommend against this course of action.

How to drive a girl crazy when kissing?

Gently bite her lips and when finishing kiss her forehead

Why do boys lick their lips after they kiss a girl?

Licking lips after kissing could be a nervous habit or indicate anticipation for more kissing. It may also be a subconscious way to savor the moment or to moisten dry lips.

In the film Gregory's girl why did Gregory kiss his sister on the lips?

In some families, the expression of love is kissing each other on the lips, not on the cheek.

What to do if you love a girl but you are a girl and you feel like kissing her on the lips and she's really beautiful?

Ask her if she is a lesbian. If yes, kiss her

Can kissing on lips to lips leads to pregnancy?

No not just from kissing on the lips. But it could lead to intercourse which yes can lead to pregnancy.

How do you make out with your girl friend?

You can start by kissing slowly, but not removing you lips. From here continuing kissing. If you want you can even shift your head to make it more passionate.

Where should you put your lips when kissing?

Ummm on their lips?