Drinking is not good. You should not get drunk if you don't drink any strong beer or Margita etc.
They should have drank the juice
You should not use NyQuil to get drunk, it is a medication not entertainment.
I don't need to drink if you are drunk. You should drink water.
What Should You Do - 2003 Drunk Driver was released on: USA: 5 November 2004
yes, because they should learn their lessons and be sure that they would not be drunk again for possible dangerous reasons. no, because it is a bit exaggerated to put a drunk person in jail only because they are drunk. they should get at least second chances.
A cold shower does not make a drunk person sober, all you will get out of that is a wet drunk. Only time will help
Beginners should not drink to get drunk. In fact, they should probably not drink at all, if that's the only reason they've got.
=== === yes they should because drunk drivers kill people due to the accidents they cause
Some people believe drunk drivers should lose their license permanently. Others believe they should be given another chance before this happens.
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